
Ffxiv Is Machinist Good 2021

Machinist is a fast-paced ranged DPS that specializes in abusing raid buffs with flexible outburst timings and maintaining uninterrupted DPS through most mechanics thanks to their mobility.


6th GCD Wildfire (General Purpose)

Prepull: Reassemble + Tincture

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Go along

This is the default opener that offers the best gains from raid buffs.

4th GCD Wildfire

Prepull: Reassemble + Tincture

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This is a slightly faster Wildfire that nonetheless catches a fair amount of buffs and allows for some Wildfire globe-trotting without delaying Drillsouthward and Air Anchorsouth.

3rd GCD Wildfire

Prepull: Reassemble + Tincture

+ +
+   +
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Very fast Wildfire for squeezing extra Wildfire GCDs into tight uptime windows. Misses most raid buffs.

2nd GCD Wildfire

Prepull: Reassemble + Tincture

+ +
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Fifty-fifty faster Wildfire. Rarely more useful than other setups.

Visual Opener Overview

Single Target Rotation


Full 120s rotation (each row is an 8-GCD segment)

The construction of the unmarried target rotation is built from the following static elements that should exist used as close to cooldown as possible:

  • Drill 20s cooldown
  • Air Anchor 40s cooldown
  • Reassemble (REA) 60s cooldown
  • Barrel Stabilizer (BS) 120s cooldown
  • Wildfire (WF) 120s cooldown

Additionally, the following flexible elements should exist used in a way that avoids wasting resources and gains the most from raid buffs that go out every 60s, 90s, 120s or 180s:

  • Hypercharge (HC) (Heat gauge)
  • Gauss Round (GR) and Ricochet (Rico) (Charges)
  • Automaton Queen (AQ) (Battery gauge)

Drill and Air Anchor

Drill and Anchor should e'er have 0-2 GCDs betwixt them either in the forepart or tail end to allow comfy Hypercharge and combo refresh timings. Nosotros'll use 0 GCDs for the examples below but other acceptable alignments are noted in grey.

Drill and Anchor alignments

Drill's 20s cooldown ways that it should be used every 8 GCDs and Anchor similarly every 16 GCDs with 40s. This divides the GCD rotation neatly into 8 GCD segments.

If we stack six of these 8 GCD segments on superlative of each other, we get the total 120s rotation. When the empty cells are filled with the combo sequence, nosotros tin can run into how the rotation loops around.

Total 120s GCD rotation loop


Reassemble (REA) should be paired with Drill every threescore seconds. This ways that information technology'south not used on the 55s cooldown. The odd cooldown is purely for making information technology easier to pair Reassemble with Drill when its cooldown is scaled past skill speed.

Due to non gaining anything from Critical and Direct Hit raid buffs, it'south usually all-time used outside of raid buff windows with an early on prepull cast.

Butt Stabilizer

Barrel Stabilizer (BS) generates 50 rut and allows us to quickly use Hypercharge with Wildfire in our opener equally well equally go actress Hypercharges later in the rotation. Apart from the opener it should generally be used after Wildfires to avoid any excessive heat losses from overcapping.


To become the most out of Wildfire (WF), it needs to exist paired with Hypercharge and fit 6 total GCDs. Wildfire registers GCDs but when the damage is resolved on the target, then Drill and Air Anchor should be avoided as the concluding GCD in the sequence because their damage registers slower than other GCDs. However, buffs and debuffs are snapshot on application, not on explosion.

At that place are 3 possible setups to achieve the 6 GCDs:

  1. Wildfire + Hypercharge → 5 Rut Smash → 1 GCD
  2. Wildfire → one GCD → Hypercharge → 5 Rut Blast
  3. Hypercharge → one Heat BlastWildfire → 4 Heat Nail → 2 GCD

The outset selection is the about lenient timing wise (~0.25s longer error margin). The 2d option allows an earlier Wildfire in opener and certain Butt Stabilizer setups. The third pick allows the best raid buff multiplier snapshot in the opener. Nonetheless, Wildfire cannot Critical or Direct Hit and gains nothing from raid buffs boosting those chances and so it's best to target multipliers such equally Fob Assault or Embolden.

As pointed out in the opener section, the position of Wildfire in the rotation can exist modified to fit the meet and political party composition:

Different Wildfire alignments


Hypercharge (HC) should ever exist followed by 5 Oestrus Nails that supercede a segment of three philharmonic GCDs. It should non be used when Drill or Air Ballast cooldown is lower than eight seconds to avoid delaying them.

Each cast costs 50 rut to utilize and 15 heat to execute considering of the replaced Heated Shots for a full cost of 65 heat. Without any Hypercharges added, the 120s rotation would generate 195 heat from the Heated Shots with an boosted 50 heat from Barrel Stabilizer for a total heat budget of 245 heat.

Unfortunately the heat count doesn't divide evenly with Hypercharge costs and results in some awkward alignments. The heat allows three-four Hypercharge casts each loop but occasionally the 4th Hypercharge has to exist skipped and heat saved for the upcoming Wildfire.

Generating 50 estrus takes 10 heated shots and forth with ii Drills and 1 Anchor cast it takes a total of ~32.5s to accomplish. This means that unless nosotros accept at least 65 heat saved when Wildfire's cooldown hits ~33s, the 4th Hypercharge must be skipped and rut saved for Wildfire to employ it on cooldown. If we're anywhere between 65 and 100 heat at that point, we must Hypercharge to avoid overcapping.

General Hypercharge timings

*replace with combo to save heat for Wildfire when needed
Using Hypercharge 3-four GCDs after Reassembled Drill will make information technology marshal with the 60s, 120s and 180s raid vitrify windows only the timings tin be adjusted as heat or other circumstances call for it. If we're unable to Hypercharge during a buff window, we tin usually yet save Gauss Round and Ricochet charges for it.

Skill Speed Adjustment

The rotation aligns perfectly at base skill speed with 2.50 GCD. For every 0.06s reduction in GCD speed one filler GCD must be added to the rotation to filibuster Drill and Air Anchor to preserve the Wildfire alignment between them. If fillers aren't used, Wildfire will eventually drift to overlap them. This can exist delayed past using Wildfire early in the opener but information technology's inevitable within ~6 minutes of uptime.

The timing of the filler GCDs doesn't matter all that much but for simplicity's sake nosotros tin can add together the necessary filler GCDs earlier starting each Wildfire sequence by delaying Reassembled Drill and the post-obit Ballast on purpose.

Delaying the start of Wildfire segment by Ten GCDs

Gauss Circular and Ricochet

These oGCDs are function of our flexible damage kit. Some charges can be saved for raid buffs simply generally they should be used as quickly equally possible and their charges kept low to avoid overcapping.

As a full general rule, we should never have more than than 1 of each earlier entering Hypercharge and at least one of each should be weaved during Hypercharge to avoid overcapping. But don't try to weave more than one oGCD between each Heat Blast, the 1.5s recast doesn't allow it.

Automaton Queen

Bombardment Punches Duration Pile Bunker Total Pot / Battery
50 5 12.5 400 1150 23.00
threescore 6 xiv.0 480 1380 23.00
70 7 xv.5 560 1610 23.00
lxxx 8 17.0 640 1840 23.00
xc nine eighteen.5 720 2070 23.00
100 ten twenty.0 800 2300 23.00

Queen authorisation at unlike bombardment levels

Automaton Queen (AQ) is some other flexible outburst power. The damage scales linearly with the battery gauge so it should be used to target favorable raid vitrify windows since Queen mirrors any buffs nosotros are affected by, except Dragon Sight.

The 120s rotation generates 150-160 battery depending on if we're using 3 or iv Hypercharges within that loop. This ways Queen needs to be summoned at to the lowest degree twice to avert overcapping.

Since most raid buffs accept either 120s or 180s cooldown, the easiest way to target both and avoid overcapping is to pair Queen with Reassemble every 60s. The summoning timing needs to exist adjusted slightly based on battery considering Queen's uptime varies with bombardment guess:

  • l-threescore battery → Summon i GCDs after Reassembled Drill.
  • seventy-fourscore bombardment → Summon later on Reassembled Drill.
  • 90-100 battery → Summon before Reassembled Drill.

If the party does not have 60s or 180s buff windows to accept advantage of, the first summon in the loop can exist washed at l-70 battery in lodge to save 90-100 battery for a bigger burst at the next 120s window. Case battery plans beneath:

Time(s) Buffs 60s plan 90s program 120s+180s plan
0-20 60s, 90s, 120s, 180s (70) (100) (100)
xl-60 50 50
60-80 60s 80-90
100-120 90s 90
120-140 60s, 120s 70-80 50 100
180-200 60s, 90s, 180s lxxx 50 eighty
240-260 60s, 120s 70 70 lxx
280-300 90s 50 50
300-320 60s 80
Loop back to start

Rook Autoturret

Only relevant for level 70 content.

*It'southward possible to get an actress shot depending on ping and timing simply it tin be extremely inconsistent.

Battery Shots* Duration Overdrive Total Pot / Bombardment
50 ii (3) 7.5 200 360 (440) 7,xx (eight.lxxx)
sixty 3 9.0 240 480 8,00
70 3 (four) 10.5 280 520 (600) 7,43 (8.57)
eighty four 12.0 320 640 eight,00
90 iv (v) 13.v 360 680 (760) 7,56 (viii.44)
100 5 15.0 400 800 8,00

Rook potency at unlike battery levels

Multiple Target Rotation

The general structure of the rotation stays the same equally in the single target rotation but single target skills are replaced with their AoE variants.


Replaces Drill against 2 targets or more.

Auto Crossbow

Replaces Heat Blast against 3 targets or more.


Ticks in one case per second for a total of xi ticks over xi seconds which makes information technology stronger than Spread Shot. It should exist used against 3 targets or more. Technically it'south a marginal gain already at 2 targets only the misalignment from the GCD rotation and the movement restrictions are rarely worth information technology.

Spread Shot

Replaces Heated Shots confronting iii targets or more than.


Use with Drill or Air Anchor against ane-3 targets. Against 4 or more targets it should be paired with Spread Shot or Automobile Crossbow.

Do not apply Reassemble with Bioblaster because it only affects the initial hit and not the Damage-over-Time!

Ping Adjustments

Ping problems with machinist are related to weaving oGCDs between Heat Blastsouth. The obvious solution is to minimize weaving during Hypercharge past spending all Gauss Round and Ricochet charges before starting it and by using Wildfire + Hypercharge double weave to give Wildfire equally much error margin as possible.

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Gear sets

General Stat Priority

Optimizing gear sets comes down to finding the nearly efficient stat tiers to hit the highest impairment multiplier available. This tin can mean deviating from the general priority due to the stats available on gear and some pieces being more efficient than others. Skill speed tin can also profoundly alter the priority depending on how efficient information technology is to hitting a good rotational GCD tier.

Detail Level 530
  • 2.50 GCD Raid Torso: Etro
  • 2.50 GCD Tome Body: Etro
Item Level 500
  • ii.50 GCD: Etro
Particular Level 475 (TEA)
  • 2.50 GCD: Etro
  • 2.44 GCD: Etro
Item Level 375 (UWU)
  • Synced gear above i470
  • BiS Options: Ariyala
Item Level 345 (UCOB)
  • Synced gear above i418
  • BiS Options: Ariyala

Optimization Tricks

Flamethrower Fishing

Flamethrower can exist used during downtime to fish for a tick earlier re-engaging. Notwithstanding, the starting time GCD shouldn't be delayed just for the sake of getting the actress 100 potency.

Drifting Wildfire, Early on Barrel Stabilizer

By globe-trotting Wildfire casts on purpose and irresolute the Wildfire setup depending on heat, it'southward possible to get a faster Hypercharge without saving heat for the next Wildfire at specific kill times around half-dozen:20-viii:20. Still, it requires a third or fourth GCD Wildfire in the opener to allow for the drifting without delaying Drills and Air Anchors and will miss out on some raid vitrify gains, and so if no extra Hypercharge is gained it can turn out to be a loss.

Wildfire and Barrel Stabilizer setups with 3rd GCD Wildfire go every bit follows (two.fifty GCD):

  1. Opener: Wildfire + Hypercharge
  2. 2m: Wildfire + Hypercharge → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer
  3. 4m: Wildfire → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer + Hypercharge
  4. 6m: Wildfire → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer + Hypercharge
  5. 8m: Wildfire → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer + Hypercharge
  6. 10m: delay into Wildfire + Hypercharge → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer
  7. 12m: Wildfire + Hypercharge → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer
  8. 14m: Wildfire → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer + Hypercharge
  9. 16m: Wildfire → GCD → Barrel Stabilizer + Hypercharge
  10. 18m: delay into Hypercharge → GCD → Wildfire

Actual encounters with downtime volition come across these setups change due to changing oestrus counts but the above tin can be used as a proof of concept and works for 100% uptime at 2.l GCD speed.

Fight Specific Tips

Extra materials


Document written by Lynn Nuvestrahl (Odin). Feedback, suggestions and questions are welcome at The Residual discord Machinist channels or at Lynn#8794.

Special cheers

Bearding mch
0rp (Irina Sykes, Odin)
Shuni (Shunittseru Tohka, Cerberus)
Sune (Sune Dakwhil, Twintania)
Contra (Contra Banned, Gilgamesh)
Allagan Studies (The Theoryjerks)
And everyone in The Residue Machinist community!


  • 1-Jun-2019
    • Primer created.
  •  28-Jun-2019
    • Primer updated to official launch values.
  •  29-Jun-2019
    • Updated Queen usage.
  • i-Jul-2019
    • Updates to Flamethrower math.
  • 4-Jul-2019
    • Added notes on Queen usage, tentative opener, more notes on the rotation and skill speed.
  • xv-Jul-2019
    • All sections expanded towards guide status. Added Gearing section.
  • eighteen-Jul-2019
    • Added notes on Rook behavior. Primer updated to Guide status.
  • 19-Jul-2019
    • Added skill icons and fixed some typos.
  • 25-Jul-2019
    • Small change to Late Wildfire opener, now starts with Gauss Circular + Ricochet after 1st GCD, also broke up the Reassemble + Barrel Stabilizer double weave so that the rotation scales better with skill speed. Slight update to Fast Wildfire opener likewise to open with Gauss Round + Ricochet as there's no downside to delaying Barrel Stabilizer.
  • 26-Jul-2019
    • Updated Fast Wildfire opener to reverberate new findings on Drill and Air Anchor delays. Added a note of the filibuster to Drill and Air Anchor sections.
  • 31-Jul-2019
    • Updated for patch 5.05. Updated Reassemble info and rewrote the skill speed department due to new available GCD tiers every bit the cooldown on Reassemble is no longer a limiting cistron. Added Best-in-slot section.
  • nine-Aug-2019
    • Added Optimization section. Changed full general purpose opener.
  • eleven-Aug-2019
    • Fixed Chain Stratagem timing, updated General Purpose Opener and both cdh and multiplier openers using early Anchors past moving Ballast to 4th GCD to make employ of the Chain. Added a section on how to deal with ping problems along with modified opener.
  • xx-Aug-2019
    • Added sections on Gauss Round / Ricochet, Hypercharge and Queen optimization.
  • 21-Aug-2019
    • Updated BiS sets. 2.48 GCD gear fix switched one Det meld into DH. Added another equally potent gear set for 2.44 GCD, the faster GCD tin can be adept at squeezing extra Drills / Anchors with fast instances.
  • 1-Sep-2019
    • Reworded Notes on Rook Autoturret and updated the Rook Summary based on new testing.
  • xi-Sep-2019
    • Big update on Barrel Stabilizer usage added to Optimization, updated related references on Hypercharge to reflect information technology. Additional bombardment programme added for 120s/180s just timings.
  • 28-October-2019
    • Updated potencies based on patch 5.1 preliminary notes.
  • 28-Nov-2019
    • Added 2.38 GCD BiS set.
  • 2-Mar-2020
    • Added i500 set for patch v.2.
  • 20-Mar-2020
    • Overhauled the Rotation department with longer explanation and meliorate overview of alignments. Edited various sections for better clarity and diction.
  • 12-Apr-2020
    • Added a small section about opener modifications to the Rotation segment.
  • 16-Jun-2020
    • Consummate rewrite of the guide to condense information.
  • 20-Aug-2020
    • Updated gear sets.
  • 22-Aug-2020
    • Updated gear sets.
  • 12-Oct-2020
    • Updated rotation tables to amend stand for Hypercharge. Moved Skill Speed Adjustment section to where it makes more sense.

Ffxiv Is Machinist Good 2021,


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